Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
During the summer of 2024 I had the oppourtunity to be a medical illustration intern at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). I acted as lead project manager on two 2D medical illustrations and one 3D printed model that all communicated novel research to the scientific community. As part of my role I set client meetings, tracked number of drafts, logged time, recorded and implemented client feedback, and exported the final deliverables. Below this you can take a look at all three projects I completed!
NICU Job Aid Image Redesign
I was tasked with redesigning the images seen in the previous NICU job aid on the right. It is a job aid for nurses and X-ray technicians to use when positioning babies who are intubated for an X-ray. Positioning is important because improper positioning can results in unplanned extubations and difficult to interpret X-rays.
Old Job Aid
New Job Aid
Final Illustration and Updated Job Aid
Rare Immune Disease Illustration
I worked with a physician at the hospital, Dr. Sarah Henrickson, in order to create a figure for her to use when presenting her research to other physicians, researchers, PHD candidates, and others. Dr. Henrickson researches rare immune diseases. These diseases are so rare it is often not feasible to use patients with the disease as the main subjects for research. Instead, Dr. Henrickson builds models of the exact diseased immune cells found in humans. My illustration helps to show the various models Dr. Henrickson builds.
Focal Lesion
Pancreas 3D Model
In this project, I created a 3D model of a pancreas in Forger that would then be 3D printed to create a model for patient education. The goal of this model was to represent two cases of congenital hyperinsulinism. In the diffused case, the insulin overproduction occurs throughout the entire pancreas. In the focal lesion case, the insulin overproduction is only in a small region of the pancreas. In order to show this, small red spheres were placed throughout the pancreas to represent insulin overproduction.